My journey as a mentor
“You know, you do need mentors, but in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself.” — Diana Ross
For the second year I have had the pleasure of participating as a mentor in the Queensland Tourism industry Council (QTIC) Young Professionals Mentoring Program.
This year I had the absolute pleasure of working with Tennille Wendt from the Ironman Group, a young passionate events professional who has a desire to build her knowledge and skills in the tourism industry so that she can better deliver partnerships and experiences as part of the Ironman group of events.
Tennille and Linda at a Women in Tourism Leadership lunch in Brisbane. Photo by Holly G
I have to say that this was a match made in heaven, as I am one of the most passionate people when it comes to the relationship between tourism and events. My career has centred on bringing these two sectors together to create exciting opportunities and outcomes for destinations.
For example, I presented on this topic at the Australian Event Symposium - read my article about the special relationship between tourism and events.
Throughout our time together Tennille and I explored a range of topics from personal values to career aspirations, career opportunities and networking (with plenty of mum and bub discussions thrown in!).
It was an extremely valuable process for me and something that I found very rewarding, especially when I got to work with someone like Tennille who has immense skills and exciting aspirations. I can’t wait to see what the future brings for this industry leader.
Thank you to QTIC for inviting me to be involved for another year. I have to say, I gain just as much from this process as the mentee – there is something very rich and rewarding about helping others.
I think I will be offering to do more of this in the future, so any young tourism professionals that want to connect, give me a yell at
Read about my experience as a mentee last year