The Tilma way: ongoing tourism development relationships

It’s not uncommon for us to see a client Council’s past tourism plan incompletely implemented.

To avoid this, we prefer to join our clients on a years-long journey of supporting their destination development.

We love seeing a client using our plan as a roadmap and getting great results!

This can include

  • Securing a grant to enable a destination manager such as a local tourism organisation to hire our help

  • Developing a tourism strategy with the input of industry, community and government, implementable within existing human and financial resources

  • Mentoring to support the plan’s implementation, such as developing annual plans, and reviewing progress over time

  • Securing grants to implement projects in the plan (if needed)

  • Delivering on projects within the plan, such as industry capability building or marketing


Following is an example of Tilma’s ongoing support for a destination manager.


Central Queensland Highlands

For Central Highlands Development Corporation (CHDC), in central Queensland, in 2019 Tilma

  • Developed the Visitor Economy Strategy 2020-2022 with JJ Strategic Consulting. The strategy is project-based for easy implementation (the client called it 'the best tourism strategy we have ever had')

  • Helped source a branding agency to develop a destination brand, and provided feedback during the brand’s development to ensure its alignment with the strategy

  • Presented the strategy to industry at CHDC’s Tourism and Events Forum

  • Presented the strategy to Central Highlands Regional Council’s Councillors to garner their support

Images: Linda and Jayne from JJ Strategic Consulting, workshopping key priorities with industry, the strategy, CHDC’s project manager Paul presenting the strategy at the Tourism & Events Forum, the new brand on display at a pop-up visitor information stall, Kushla with an ancient grain grinding stone during a tour by the Western Kangoulu.

In 2020, Tilma then

  • Provided the Visitor Economy Development Manager with one year of mentoring to support implementation of the strategy. Quarterly strategic workshops assesses progress and worked on any potential barriers, with the focus 100% on outcomes!

  • Developed a COVID Destination Recovery Action Plan for the region.

In 2022, CHDC were very supportive as Tilma’s developed an Aboriginal tourism experience development plan for the region’s Traditional Owners, the Western Kangoulu, to enable Western Kangoulu to have jobs and live on Country, beyond the mining industry.

Images: Outcomes from implementing the plan: the style guide for the new destination brand, a new destination map, an events website, a jobs noticeboard for working holiday makers, a caravanning strategy, and an Aboriginal experience development plan by Tilma


The first year of implementing their strategy was one of CHDC’s most productive tourism years ever. Highlights in their annual report included:


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