Mentoring on Creating Transformational Experiences
Tourism & Events Queensland
The state tourism organisation, Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) recently re-branded Queensland with a new ‘Travel for Good’ brand.
Travellers are actively seeking experiences that enrich, awaken and transform them. They want to ignite something new within themselves by consciously connecting with and appreciating our extraordinary planet, its people and cultures.
TEQ developed The Ultimate Transformational Experience Guide which focuses on seven steps to creating better value for guests and businesses. The aim is to enable operators to transform their experience offering and business to meet and exceed the needs of the travellers, helping to put Queensland’s operators at the forefront of a global travel movement and increase their bookings and revenue.
The guide provides operators and event organisers with insights and knowledge about
what Queensland’s new brand means in practice
the changing needs and expectations of travellers
the Five Stages of Travel that guests go through
how to design and deliver exceptional transformational experiences through each of the stages
how to deepen engagement with guests
ways to differentiate an experience through innovation and enhancing the competitive advantage.
Project purpose
TEQ ran an PILOT Experience Design Program to help businesses implement the learnings in The Ultimate Transformational Experience Guide, understanding that the most effective results are realised through one-on-one mentoring.
Project overview
The program involves up to ten hours mentoring and about twenty hours additional commitment over a two-month period to complete the Experience Design program:
Preparation work such as a basic review of operator’s website and social media and Best of Queensland Experiences Program Report provided by TEQ using a standardised template provided
An initial face-to-face meeting to discuss the details of the guide, review the mentee’s self-assessment results, and identify key areas of focus
One or two follow up video conference meetings to review progress, and identification of three to five actions to enhance the mentee’s visitor experience/s
A brief report to TEQ on the outcomes of the mentoring using a standardised template provided.
Project outcomes
Tilma Group has been impressed with the level of commitment of program participants, and their willingness to evolve, and plan for a strong future.
We are offering pragmatic support around how participants can align with Queensland’s Travel for Good principles.
We are taking a deep dive into the travel journeys of their visitors and identifying what they can do at each stage to enhance or add things that will bring the brand principles to the forefront.
The biggest gap has been in sharing – the participants had not recognised the importance of sharing when they do something good for the community, the environment or humanity.
“I wanted to congratulate you – well done – absolutely nailed the brief on TEQ’s Experience Design Mentoring Program! Keep up the great work!”
Alex Perpich
Events and Experiences Specialist
Tourism and Events Queensland
GPO Box 328, Brisbane QLD 4001
07 3535 5612