What successful tourism operators do differently
Fred Sarkari was the keynote speaker at our regional tourism industry conference. These ideas from Fred stood out for us:
Successful people across all industries reflect and ask themselves why? Why was my guest un/happy? Why did/didn’t that go well? Why did I do that today? Why do I feel this way?
Have fun with what you do – people will gravitate to fun
Children don’t understand logic and consequences; they are emotional creatures. We are the same.
We always make decisions based on emotion and past experiences and then justify those decisions with logic.
Your website: Don't tell them why they should come (logic) - get them to feel a story (it will lead to a decision).
We share stories of places. Control the stories your guests walk into and out with.
Most of your guests don’t have much time. They’ve invested so much into the decision to visit you – time off work, money, opportunity costs of visiting other places. So give them an amazing experience! Engage and connect with them!
Your clients come to connect with your business – what’s your story? What’s your vulnerability? What’s your vision – the reason why you do what you do?