Support for agritourism development - a state by state guide
Keen to check out the possibilities of agritourism for your farm business or region? Here we outline the support that’s currently available to develop and improve agritourism experiences.
Award-winning agritourism development by a NSW Council
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council near Wagga Wagga is one of Australia’s leading Councils for proactively developing agritourism.
Here is what they have achieved with the support of grants and Tilma Group since 2018 - which was recognised with a national economic development award.
Inspiring agritourism case studies
A series of Inspiring Agritourism webinars on best practice case studies to support agritourism development.
Farming and agritourism as community
Randall Breen of Echo Valley Farm in the Goomburra Valley approaches farming and agritourism by developing intimate relationships and with ethical decision making.
The power of an anchor tourism product to transform a regional destination
The incredible transformation of a small town using an events strategy and the development of an anchor attraction - the journey.
Agritourism development through mentoring
We’ve been mentoring a lot of agritourism operators over the last year.
Here we share examples of how our mentoring supported their business’ growth.
Key take outs from the Australian Agritourism Convention
Agriculture and tourism are Australia’s third and sixth largest export industries. Together, they provide a unique opportunity for growth, explored in Australian Regional Tourism’s Agritourism Convention. Here we share our key takeaways.
Are Aussie farmers our new tour guides?
How do we embrace these natural-born tour guides (I know, not all of them!) and support them to create authentic and transformational tourism experiences across regional Australia?
How can we break down barriers for them and create a viable pathway to diversify into tourism?
How do we enable them to show the REAL Australia?
Successful regional tourism development: A case study
How rural Coolamon (pop 2,200) increased tourist visitation using a new anchor attraction and a seasonal events campaign, and all the flow on effects…
Tourism + Agriculture = Rural tourism growth in agritourism
Deloitte has identified five “super-growth" sectors in Australia: agribusiness, gas, tourism, international education and wealth management. So what happens when you bring two ‘super-growth’ sectors together? Agribusiness + Tourism = an exciting Agritourism partnership!
Agritourism game-changer Coolamon Cheese
Coolamon Shire is a rich agricultural and pastoral district, located in the Riverina region of NSW. In recent years, Coolamon Shire has focused on developing and marketing festivals and events as key drivers of visitation. Rural Australian agricultural and tourism businesses are working together to embrace agri-tourism and capitalize on its benefits. Coolamon Cheese is an example of this, with nineteen artisan cheeses crafted from local Riverina milk in a historic 1920s co-op building.